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2018io-market AG founded the new subsidiary edeXa AG. The first proofs-of-concept were successfully implemented, and the project was released for the implementation phase. The first security token sale has taken place.
2019The development of the edeXa Blockchain is running at full speed. The first blockchain services have been implemented in a pilot project for our customers.
2020Further development of the Universe project that offers companies and public authorities one ecosystem that can be used for trust-building with secure and traceable processes. DApps APIs first release beta.
Q1-Q2 2021edeXa Universe development came a cross to all major milestones in the field of DevOps, Blockchain, and APIs to achieve the project.

Banji (part of DApps) goes live as a beta version. It enables every object and every piece of information to be assigned a unique digital identity by the EDX-Digital Twin.

This allows proof of ownership and proof of origin to be presented quickly and easily for evidence purposes. This also applies to digital contracts using an e-signature.
Q3-Q4 2021edeXa keeps on high speed the development of permissioned Blockchain, meaning only trusted and verified entities can participate in the ecosystem of infinite possibilities.

Further Development of EDX token and reward system.

Introducing bStamp part of DApps edeXa Universe blockchain. Only a few weeks after the release of Banji, the first major extension is already available. With bStamp, users can digitally sign or validate files on Universe projects.
Q1-Q2 2022The entire Vision grows and the strategy covers great huge steps for the 2022 Market.

The entry of the edeXa Universe with innovative business blockchain solutions will continue to improve and target marketing organizations that use our blockchain ecosystem for their own business model while the rewards system will take place for everyone.
Q3-Q4 2022edeX started to partner with potential agencies to strongly promote the vision worldwide.

testnet network will be in operation to test speed and deployment of smart contacts in real time and bring Blockchain enthusiasts to build applications and increase Global demand for decentralization in digital areas.The Portal edeXa Universe will be focused to continue to work closely with powerful enterprises and bring onboard new business.

edeXa brings the NFT for business to reality where users can create Unique identifiers or attributes for use cases, allowing to remove intermediaries and simplify transactions while EDX token will empower the edeXa Public Blockchain at core.
Q1-Q2 2023The focus is on the launch of the mainnet of the public blockchain edeXa. In addition, the implementation of further web3 applications will start together with our customers. Our main goal is the successful launch of the EDX Service Token on exchanges, which will massively expand marketing.

The growth of the company is strongly promoted and focused.
Q3-Q4 2023edeXa launches several web3 customer projects and launches new blockchain-based services. edeXa expands to Dubai and focuses on further growth worldwide.

The edeXa business blockchain is used by large companies and is used in the value chain (logistics, supply chain, etc.).

The constant improvement and further development of the edeXa blockchain is being promoted.
2024The edeXa business blockchain is a leading blockchain in the market with a large number of sustainable projects and business activities. Expansion into other countries is being implemented.